What is Colin Kaepernick Doing in 2024?
What is Colin Kaepernick Doing in 2024?
By Jason Bolton March 19, 2024 05:08 GMT+4 min read
Out of football for more than a decade, Kaepernick is a bigger star than ever in 2024, in large part due to his activism on social issues and some shrewd business moves along the way.
Colin Kaepernick Net Worth and Investing
Despite being so far removed from the game, Colin Kaepernick has also managed to build a staggering $20 million net worth through plenty of lucrative ventures off the field.
His net worth is due to smart bargaining, investing in businesses, and lucrative partnerships with high-end brands most notably his deal struck up with Nike for the 'Dream Crazy' campaign which made him a massive profit.
Kaepernick has also invested in businesses, which will provide him with more financial streams. The fact that he can turn any opportunity into sth in accord with his faiths and do all of it beyond the realm of just being another highly paid team sport helot is a great indicator on how well Finsbury Investments has been when chasing success.
NFL Return And Alternative Football Avenues
Distracted by his long hiatus from the NFL, and still embroiled in controversy over his tone of social activism back then too (despite obvious evidence this has changed), 2024 is rumored to be a potential return year into the league.
A variety of hurdles stand in the way of Kaepernick returning to playing again on an NFL field, due partly to his well-documented time away from football and the controversy over his social protests.
However, that is not to say the door cannot be knocked on for a return as times are changing in the NFL and there have never quite been so many alternative football leagues emerging since.
Kaepernick took an unusual path back into football with his inclusion in the 2023 video game "Wild Card Football" and put himself out there for opportunities tied to the XFL and CFL.
He has stated he wants to play again in the NFL, but whether that will happen is anyone's guess.
Social Impact and Giving Back
An advocate par excellence, Kaepernick's impact and popularity are not only confined to sports but stretch far more widely across the globe as a cultural hero.
His fearless opposition to racism, such as the time he donated over a million dollars worth of funds and inspired other players to utilize their platforms for social justice.
Kaepernick's brand, as far as it can be understood that way, has been a saving grace here, driving additional inquiry into how companies ought to conduct themselves in the social contract.
His legacy is superseded by far more than his wealth, as he goes on to partake in some significantly charitable activities and hold that unflinching line for social justice.
Cultural Projects and TV Programmes
Colin Kaepernick is more immersed in popular culture. In 2024, he became a part of the television show Colin In Black & White.
The series, created by Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winner Ava DuVernay with Kaepernick as the narrator of his own story, offers meaningful reflection on many themes from Kap's early life through adulthood.
Incorporating themes of identity, race, class, and culture the series delivers a framework to ground othered people and opens up hearts for individuals in action.
With this series, Kaepernick furthers the important conversation we need to have in society about race and identity; social construction, and equity.
All in all
Colin Kaepernick's work had expanded exponentially by 2024—from his financial success and possible NFL return to a lasting social impact, cultural projects, and television series.
Kaepernick's impact goes far beyond the sports field. He remains committed to using his platform to promote social change, elevate individual efforts, and amplify a broader discussion around larger societal issues.
The strategic business moves, the philanthropic work, cultural projects combined have left Kaepernick an important part of both sports and social activism – a lasting impact as a figure for good.
Lastly, Colin Kaepernick's actions in 2024 highlight his persistent ambitions for social integrity, economic prosperity, and philanthropic differentiation as the perennial activist of sports form amid reform.