How tough was the death of Darryl to Charles Barkley
How tough was the death of Darryl to Charles Barkley
By Edcel Panganiban December 01, 2024 13:15
Obviously, the passing of a loved one is not to be taken lightly. A lot of people will suffer and carry grief for such a long time to the point where it'll affect their daily lives. Charles Barkley, to this day, still carries the memory of Darryl with him. This is despite the fact that he told him to veer away from substances that caused his immediate demise.
Charles Barkley is very strongly against the use of drugs. This NBA legend does not like it when players use it and get busted by their coaches due to bad performances. This is deeply rooted to the story of his brother, Darryl Barkley. In 19898, the superstar had to give up a lot of money such that his sibling could properly rehabilitate after getting charged with a lot of drug cases.
The temptation also came to the NBA star but it was clear that he had a very strong willpower: "I almost did cocaine one time. I had put my brother in a bunch of rehabs... I ain't never had something so strong that I would give up the NBA or my money saying, 'I gotta do drugs,' If you consume drugs, it's not a matter of if you die but when you die."
Unfortunately, all of those tough realities came caving into the lives of the Barkleys in 2009. They got the tough news that Darryl had died from a heart attack. So, it's very easy to understand why the former Most Valuable Player really dislikes these substances. It's all rooted in the fact that he lost a loved one to them.