Why did Mike Tyson and George Foreman never fight?
Why did Mike Tyson and George Foreman never fight?
By Arslan Saleem April 05, 2024 19:42
Recognized by people across the globe, Mike Tyson And George Foreman are undoubtably two of the baddest men to ever grace a boxing ring. Famous for not only their brute strength but the mere fear that they brought with them into the ring, it is an age old conundrum as to why these two superstars never faced off.
In this article we'll dive into that matchup that never was, discussing the careers of both fighters, their fighting styles, and how their personal lives led them down very different paths.
Youngest Heavyweight Champion- Mike Tyson
During the '80s, Mike Tyson made a name for himself as an aggressive inside fighter, whose power and ferocity was second to none. Fearing no man, he won the WBC heavyweight title in 1986 at just 20 years old, becoming the youngest champion in boxing history.
For those who witnessed Tyson's rise to dominance, the wins were one thing, but the utter aura that he brought with him into the ring is why many still consider him the scariest boxer in history. Tyson not only wanted to win, but he was willing to die in that ring. His opponents were simply object that were in his way.
George Foreman: Boxing as a Resurrection
Foreman, on the other hand, came along earlier than Tyson, and first hoisted the heavyweight title in 1973. His style was relentless, refusing to give his oppenets space to move or extend their arms.
Foreman's story became one of longevity, leaving boxing for nearly a decade before returning to the ring in the late 1980s. Later, in an unforgettable win against Michael Moorer in 1994, Foreman would become the oldest ever heavyweight champion at forty-five.
Career Trajectories
The reality is, Tyson and Foreman barely even overlapped in terms of their professional paths. Foreman left boxing in 1987 and did not return until Tyson's prime years of the late '80s and early-90s. The two were never at the peak of their powers at similar times. In other words, as Tyson was gaining the heavyweight spotlight, Foreman was mostly on his way out of it — and vice versa.
Fighting Styles
Tyson and Foreman were different boxers. Tyson used a variety of quick punches and head movement to knock his opponents out, whilst Foreman, although not as skilled, was known for his legendary punching power.
In turn, the styles may have been in opposition and their age gap too wide, but it is still a wonder that a fight between two legendary figures never came very close to coming to fruition.
Marketing and General Management
There is often a web of promotional and managerial considerations in landing high-profile boxing matches. Tyson and Foreman both appeared under different promoters, managers etc. during their careers, making any potential negotiations between the two that much more challenging.
Personal Lives and Priorities
What's really interesting when comparing the two fighters is how different they were outside of the ring. Sensationalized home life, money troubles and bouts of celebrity would dominate Tyson's boxing career.
Foreman, by contrast, was famed for his charm and nice-guy image; whenever people weren't talking about that they were discussing the various businesses he'd set up or what a devoted family man (and Christian) he was.
Legacy and Historical Impact
While the two never fought, Tyson and Foreman each had a profound influence on boxing.
Their exploits as professionals and contributions to the sport they loved have been a source of inspiration for countless boxers and fans alike.
Several aspects contributed to the fight that never was; their career paths, styles of fighting and approach toward this business (promotional) as well as their personal lives can all be looked to as reasons for the match never happening.
Though the thought of having these two giant juggernauts in a boxing ring together will torment fans for generations, the reality is that it never really had a chance. Who knows? Maybe the thought-exercise is even more entertaining than the actual bout would have been.