What athletes autograph is worth the most?
What athletes autograph is worth the most?
By Eliud Alano January 24, 2023 11:39 GMT+4 min read
Autographs from athletes have a huge market in the world of sports. It's no a wonder that autographs from Muhammad Ali, Babe Ruth, and Michael Jordan are one of the most valuable autographs because they are legendary sports stars. But whose is worth the most?
In the world of autographs, fame equates to money; for athletic collectibles, signature value varies. While a signed baseball or football should be worth more with the ink of an athlete whose "signature" is in significant demand, not all promissory autographs are created equal. One way to measure an athlete's popularity or success is by their number of wins, awards, and records.
The state of the autograph can also determine its value. A piece of memorabilia—a jersey or a ball— will be worth more than an ordinary sheet of paper. Ink-signed autographs are also worth more than those signed with a pen or marker.
Lastly, the number of autographs available by a specific athlete can also affect its value. Overall, the autographs of late or former star players are considered more valuable than those of current athletes who still play.
To answer the question of how much an athlete's autograph is worth, it depends on who is looking for an autographed item and what condition that signature is in compared to other signatures available. Most simply put, the autographs of the biggest stars will carry the highest value. Collectors and investors are encouraged to consider these aspects when evaluating the worth of an autograph.